Zeekly Specials - Operational frequently asked questions

Zeekly Specials - Operational frequently asked questions

What are Zeekly Specials? 

Zeekly specials are deals and discounts that are available to Zeekspizza.com and Zeeks App customers. Each special is available on its own day. These specials have been pre-coordinated and approved between the store operator and Zeeks Marketing.

Examples of Zeekly Specials include 
  1. Mix and Match Monday
  2. Takeout Tuesday
  3. Two Medium Wednesday

Is there a coupon code required for customers? 

No. These deals are 'menu based' deals, meaning they show up to customers as part of the online ordering experience in their own section at the top of the menu. Customers add them to their cart just like any other item, no coupon code required. 

It's printing in the wrong spot, how do I change it? 

  1. Take a photo of the all the tickets that printed for that item.
  2. Reach out on the appropriate Zeeks slack channel.
    1. Include information about its currently printing, and where you would like it to print instead.
    2. Include photos of the tickets that printed

In the POS, the Zeekly Specials are showing up every day. Can I make them only show up on the day they're available? 

No. The Zeekly Specials will always show up on the POS, even though they only show up to customers on their specific day. That means employees have the ability to inadvertantly use the Zeekly Special items on the wrong day. Store operators and managers will need to manage this at the store level. Please tell your employees. 

I noticed BYO and Half and Half pies aren't included in Zeekly Special menus. Is that intentional? 

Yes, The Zeekly specials do not include BYO or Half and Halfs

Marketing of the Zeekly Specials - How are customers notified about Zeekly specials? 

Each store has its own email list and push notification list. The exact messaging and timing of the the blasts is custom to each store. Reach out on your marketing slack channel if you have questions. 

A customer ordered online and didn't get the 'special' price. How come? 

First, double check to ensure their order was placed for a time when the special is live. For example, most stores only offer the Zeekly specials from 4-close. If the order was placed outside of the special's hours, then the menu was acting as it should.

Each Zeekly special has it's own section of the menu. If the customer orders from that part of the menu, they'll get special price. However, the 'regular' sections of the menu are also still available to the customer, so if they inadvertently order from the regular menu, they won't get the special price. 

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