Why are some menu sections and items greyed out in the toast backend?

Why are some menu sections and items greyed out in the toast backend?

Affected sections and items

In the toast backend, it is normal and expected for certain areas and items on the menu to be grey and be 'targeted' and 'owned' by 'Zeeks HQ'This applies to the following sections of the menu  
  1. Pizza 
  2. Salad
  3. Breadsticks 


You still have access to things you need

Even though those sections are greyed out in the toast backend, you have access to modify the important day-to-day things that may need adjusting, specifically prices and in/out of stock. 
  1. Out of stock – This must be done on the POS. Here’s intructions on how to do it. 
  2. Price Changes – These must be done from the toast backend. Even though it’s greyed out in the backend, you can still click into it and modify prices. 
    1. How to change the price of a pizza 
    2. How to change the price of a salad 
    3. How to change the price of breadsticks 
    4. How to change the price of half and half pizzas 

Why are they greyed out in the first place?

Specific attributes of those items are kept locked for 2 key reasons 
  1. Consistent customer experience, Zeeks-wide - To ensure a consistent customer experience at all Zeeks, the items in those parts of the menus are shared systemwide. That means all of the attributes of them (e.g. name, description, picture, structure, modifier groups, etc.) are things we don't let stores to change. Zeeks manages those items centrally. If you feel something needs to be modified about those, you can make the request.  
  2. Zeeks approval needed for new food items - Those parts of the menu need Zeeks approval before adding it to your menu. For example, when a store gets a new menu item approved by Zeeks, we build it out for you and add it to all the right places of the menu so that it functions like the others.