Toast Tip Pools: FAQ

Toast Tip Pools: FAQ

How do I know my tip pool setup will produce the results I aim for?
Toast Tips Manager has a feature named Tip Policy Preview. In Toast's back end, navigate to the Employees section using the navigation on the left side of your screen and select Payroll management > Tip pooling policy. Using the Preview button in the top-right corner, you may create a policy for the first time and see how it will pool against a previous day's labor, all without saving and applying the policy. Additionally, make edits or updates to your existing policy and see how that would stack up against another day's labor.

How can I make sure that the math behind the pooling calculations is correct?
If you're looking to verify how the tip pool rules allocated tips to each employee, you may use the Tips Receipt feature. In Toast's back end, navigate to the Reports section using the navigation on the left side of your screen and select Employee performance > Tip management. This will pull up a reporting page and after selecting a day, you may also select an employee in order to view calculations of how Toast got to their final tip amount.

If I change an employee's time entry, does it get reflected in the Tip Management report?
It depends if the tip interval has been sent to payroll. When tip intervals are pending, the final tip earnings calculated based on the published tip policy can change due to either a change in tip policy or edits made to an employee's time entry that belongs in that interval. If the tip interval has been sent to payroll, the tip interval is locked and changing the time entry will not be reflected in the tip interval report. 

How does Toast Tips Manager automatically assign an employee a particular work shift?
Employees are assigned to shifts based on their clock-in and clock-out times. If an employee works for 30 minutes or more in any particular shift, Toast will associate them with that shift. For example, let's say the lunch shift lasts from 11:00 to 3:00 and dinner lasts from 3:00 until 11:00. If an employee clocks in from 2:00 to 7:00, they will be a part of both the lunch and dinner shift since they were clocked in for at least 30 minutes in both shifts. However, if that employee were to clock in from 2:45 to 7:00, they will only be associated with the dinner shift since they only worked 15 minutes during the lunch shift.

Note that shift boundaries are extended to account for any period of time not explicitly assigned to a shift. So a breakfast shift might start at 7am, but the shift's beginning will get extended to the beginning of the business day at 4am.

How will Toast Tips Manager react if an employee is clocked in for a double shift?
An employee who's working a "double" or "all-day" that spans between more than one shift (as they are set up in Toast) does not need to clock out in order to be associated with each shift.

How will Toast Tips Manager react if a server transfers a check to a bartender after a guest moves to the bar service area?
When using Toast Tips Manager, if a check is transferred to a new employee with a different job, then that employee becomes the new check owner. The same system re-assignment would also occur when using the shift interval. If a check is originally opened by a lunch server and is later transferred to a dinner bartender, the check would then belong in the dinner tip interval, even though the check's open time may suggest that it should belong in the lunch tip interval. 

Why might a check not be included in the correct pool?
If you chose the Shift pooling interval, then it is important to consider the time at which a check is opened. For instance, if a check was opened during the lunch shift, but closed during the dinner shift, then the tips from that check will fall into the lunch shift's pool. However, if a check is transferred to a different individual, then the time of transfer will determine which shift the tip will be a part of.

What happens if my employee does not make enough tips to cover their tip out responsibility?
First of all, here's an example of how this may happen. Let's say your tip sharing policy is set up like this:
Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 9.34.53 AM.png

In this scenario, let's say one of your servers had $100 in Food and NA Beverage sales for their workday/shift, but they only received $2 in tips for that workday/shift. However, the policy above states that they need to be tipping out 5% of their Food and NA Beverage sales.

So they owe $5, but they only made $2. Toast does not gather the remaining $3 from the restaurant or from the server's wages. Instead, the recipient jobs will receive less than they are owed. So $2 in tips divided up by the policy rules above means that the busser recipient job would receive $1.20, or 60% of $2. The runner recipient job would receive $0.80, or 40% of $2.

If I use the Shift tip pooling interval, what happens to a check if it falls outside of the shifts I set up?
If your policy is based upon shifts you set up on the Hours/Services page, a check that falls outside of all shift boundaries will be attributed to the nearest shift. For example, maybe you have a break in your business day between your Lunch shift ending at 2:00 and your Dinner shift beginning at 4:00. Let's say a check is opened at 2:30. This check would be attributed to the Lunch shift since it is the closest one. If a check were opened at 3:15, it would belong to the Dinner shift pool.

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