Shipday - What is it? What's the benefit? How much does it cost?

Shipday - What is it? What's the benefit? How much does it cost?

What is it? It's a delivery management tech platform that...
- enhances delivery customer experience, giving the customer ability to 'watch my pizza drive to my house'
- gives real time flexibility and automated options for which third party delivery service you want to use (e.g. uber direct vs. doordash drive) 

- capture and manage all Zeeks Pizza ordered delivery info in one place (both for third party, in-house, or hybrid)

- collects customer feedback 30 min after delivery orders, which allows you to get real time data and 'make it right' for customers with a bad experience

- makes hybrid delivery operations WAY WAY easier to manage and a better customer experience (hybrid = a combo of in-house and third party delivery)
- gives useful data (heat maps, reviews, customer lists) that allows you to better manage your delivery business

Does it replace something I already have? 
Yes. It replaces...
- "Toast Delivery Services" ($50/month)- aka the ability for you to take a phone order in store and then do 'Delivery by Doordash' to trigger a driver to come deliver the order
- For 3rd party delivery, it replaces your locked in decision to use 'doordash drive' or 'uber direct' (see below) and instead use 'shipday' to give you flexible options that will choose the best thing for you or for the customer (e.g. lowest cost, fastest quote time, deliver it myself).

What's the effective net cost? 
- If you are all in-house delivery: it will add .50 per order
- If you are all 3rd party delivery: the net effect is effectively a wash, because you will add shipday and remove
- If you are hybrid: it will add .50 per delivery order delivered with a 1st party driver

$33.37 is one week’s worth of third party delivery fees and tips for Phinney.
$42.08 is one weeks’ worth of third party delivery fees and tips for Dravus.

These fees will be charged every Monday for the prior week to the card on file. 

Once a month you will see the $49 Shipday charge.

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