Shipday - Most common in-store operational questions answered

Shipday - Most common in-store operational questions answered

When is this order due to the customer? 

  1. Log in to the Shipday Dispatch app or the Shipday backend (
  2. Go to Orders > Current
  3. 'Requested Delivery Time' is the time that was quoted to the customer

My driver can't get logged in, so they can't accept orders and take deliveries

  1. The driver must be listed in the Shipday backend in the 'Drivers' tab. To do this:
    1. Employee needs to be have employee profile in Toast.
    2. In Toast, the employee needs to have a 'Driver' job function. This will trigger an autoload into Shipday, but it can take up to 30 minutes.
  2. They need to have the 'My Driver' app, be logged into it, and be marked 'online' in the app. To do this:
    1. Download the 'My Driver' app. It has a black logo with a bubble white D on it. 
    2. Login to the app
    3. Mark yourself online

My driver doesn't know their username and password, so they can't login to the 'My Driver' App

  1. Username: is the email address listed in the Shipday backend in the 'Drivers' tab. 
  2. Password: The driver should have received an email prompting to get logged in. You can also manually reset their password. Here's how to do that
      1. Click on the 3 dots on their Shipday profile
      2. Click on reset password

Adding Tips

How do drivers enter credit card tips if the customer wants to add one at the door for Shipday deliveries?
  1.  Driver completes the order in Shipday by marking as delivered.
  2. Go into toast and add the tip.

How do I switch an order from pick up to delivery

A customer wants to change their pickup order to a delivery. How do I change it to a delivery and have it show up in Shipday? 
  1. Find the order in Toast and select update to open the order
  2. Change the dining option to Phone order - Delivery
  3. Add the customer's address
  4. Adjust the payment amount, if needed (a delivery fee will automatically be added to the order if you have one)
    1. select Payment
    2. select Balance Due
    3. select Update
  5. Select Send

Re-drop? When do I use that? How do I do it? 

You use a redrop when an order was already delivered, a mistake was discovered by customer, and you want to send another driver to the same location. Do you need to send the customer a remade pie?  A forgotten salad?  Use the redrop feature.
  1. 1. From the completed orders screen, find the order
  2. 2. Select the three dots to the right of the order and then select redrop. This will put a second version of the original order back on the Shipday current orders screen to be dispatched
  3. 3. ***If you are summoning a 3rd party driver, be sure to manually edit the requested pickup and delivery times in Shipday so that the order is sent out as soon as it's ready.  From the current orders screen, select the three dots to the right of the order, and select 'edit'.  You can then edit the times as desired.

Tips to drivers

How do I make sure my in-house driver gets his tip? Do I have to do anything in toast? 
  1. If the tip was already on the order when originally placed, you'll need to do nothing.
  2. If the tip was added, on a receipt, at the door, the tip should be added in Toast AFTER the order has been marked complete by the driver, in Shipday.

How do I request a refund?

How do I request a refund for a delivery that was taken by a third party driver? 
  1. Compose email to, and CC &
  2. Include the following info in the email
    1. Customer name
    2. Address
    3. Details of what happened

How do I blacklist a driver?

How do I blacklist a 3rd party driver, so that they can't take a delivery in the future? 
  1. Compose email to, and CC &
  2. Include the following info
    1. Customer name + Address (from the order, so that Shipday can locate the record)
    2. Driver name + reason 

What are the dispatch and driver steps to complete an order?

First the order must be dispatched to a driver. After it’s dispatched to a driver, the driver completes the remaining steps. See below for how to complete the steps

Dispatch Actions - Dispatching takes place in-store on a tablet using the ‘Shipday Dispatch’ app, or via the web at  
  1. Click ASSIGN in the Shipday Dispatch app. This is what triggers an order to show up in a driver’s app on their phone 

Driver Actions - All actions below take place on the driver’s phone on their ‘My Driver’ app.  

  1. Click MARK PICKED UP when ready to leave the store with the order 
  2. Click MARK ON THE WAY when in car immediately before wheels rolling headed to the customer’s delivery address 
  3. Click MARK COMPLETE after dropping order off to customer 

Driver Tracking - How and when do the driver's actions affect the customer experience? 

  1. Immediately after a customer places their order, their screen presents a tracking link. If the customer clicks the tracking link, it will indicate that their order is being prepared.
  2. When a driver clicks MARK ON THE WAY on their ‘My Driver’ app, it triggers a text that gets sent to the customer with a live tracking link. The tracking link uses the GPS from the driver’s phone to show the order on a map making its way towards the customer.
  3. When a driver clicks MARK COMPLETE, nothing happens for the customer at that moment. However, 30 minutes after clicking MARK COMPLETE, the customer will get a text that prompts the customer to leave feedback about their experience. 

Reporting - In what ways do driver actions show up in reporting? 

  1. Pick Up Time – This is the specific time the time that a driver clicked MARK PICKED UP 
  2. Delivery Time – This is the specific time that a driver clicked MARK COMPLETE 

  1. Average Placement Time to Delivery Time – This is the average amount of minutes between order placement and the time when the driver clicked MARK COMPLETE 
  2. Average Placement to Pick Up Time – This is the average amount of minutes between order placement and when the driver clicked MARK PICKED UP. Zeeks refers to this as ‘Out the door time’ aka OTD. 

Using only Doordash - How do I make it so that when I need to outsource a delivery to 3rd party, only DoorDash Drive is an option? 

  1. Log into Shipday ( 
  2. Click green dot in upper right corner
  3. Click Settings  
  4. Click Third-Party Delivery  
  5. Click Third-Party Services tab 
  6. Toggle the Doordash switch on, so that it is green 
  7. Toggle the other switches off 

Using only Uber - How do I make it so that when I need to outsource a delivery to 3rd party, only Uber Direct is an option? 

  1. Log into Shipday ( 
  2. Click green dot in upper right corner 
  3. Click Settings  
  4. Click Third-Party Delivery  
  5. Click Third-Party Services tab 
  6. Toggle the Doordash switch on, so that it is green 
  7. Toggle the other switches off 
  8.  Using both Uber and Doordash - How do I make it so that when I need to outsource a delivery to a 3rd party, both DoorDash Drive and Uber Direct are an option? 

Using both Uber and Doordash - How do I make it so that when I need to outsource a delivery to a 3rd party, both DoorDash Drive and Uber Direct are an option?

  1. Log into Shipday ( 
  2. Click green dot in upper right corner 
  3. Click Settings  
  4. Click Third-Party Delivery  
  5. Click Third-Party Services tab 
  6. Toggle both the Uber and Doordash switches on, so that they are green 
  7. Toggle the Roadie option off