Customers Can't Order! CODE RED! How to activate support and get it to resolution quickly

Customers Can't Order! CODE RED! How to activate support and get it to resolution quickly

When customers can't order, the best way to get it fixed fast is to sound the alarm to all the right people. Outlined below is how to do that. 


If customers can't ordering online or on the app, that's most likely an INCENTIVIO thing. In that case you should simultaneously DO ALL 3 OF THE FOLLOWING
  1. Send a text to Hilary/Mario saying 'CODE RED, customers can't order online'. This will get Mario and Hilary engaged to help assist in bringing it to resolution.
  2. Send a slack + screenshot to your store's opscenter channel saying 'CODE RED, customers can't order online, I just tried to order online and here's what it says'. This is another way of looping the right people in. 
  3. Send an Email
    1. Recipients:
    2. Message should say - 'CODE RED - customers can't order at my Zeeks location, which is the _______ (e.g. Bellevue, Dravus). Here's a screenshot of what I get when I try to place an order'


If customers can't ordering in-store, that's most likely a TOAST thing. In that case you should simultaneously DO ALL 3 OF THE FOLLOWING
  1. Send a text to Hilary/Mario saying 'CODE RED, customers can't order in store'. This will get Mario and Hilary engaged to help assist in bringing it to resolution.
  2. Send a slack + screenshot to your store's opscenter channel saying 'CODE RED, customers can't order at the store, I just tried to order and here's what I see.' This is another way of looping the right people in. 
  3. ​Call Toast Support 617-682-0225 and stay on the phone with them and work to get it resolved. 

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